Thursday, February 7, 2008

Can you ever be mine !!!

You - What to write about you ?
Unknowingly we came close
the nearer you drew......the more scared was I
To be more precise....
My self-confidence gave way.

I wanted nobody to break the shell I was in
even though the shell was delicate was you who broke it first !

Once you entered......I wanted to remove its frailty
and make it strong.......
So strong that nobody could enter it
And the most important thing............You can't go out !!!

But it was a myth.....
A guy for whom....Lie....Ever and Truth....Never

Now, when I think about you....
knowing that we are moving apart and apart
diametrically opposite sides.....

The heart which tried to avoid you once......
the eyes which hated your look....
the ears which were deaf to your voice....
are thirsting for them.....!!!

Can you ever be mine ?

With Love, Sakti
Lie....Ever, Truth....Never



Anonymous said...

"I wanted nobody to break the shell I was in
even though the shell was delicate was you who broke it first !

Once you entered......I wanted to remove its frailty
and make it strong.......
So strong that nobody could enter it
And the most important thing............You can't go out !!!"


I'm sure you are in love


Anonymous said...

dead sure.......... ;-)

Anonymous said...


Beautiful.......One question in my mind....are u really in Love ?

Unknown said...

i just love this one.i have gone through it many times,still my eyes stop here again and again,b ecause my eyes cant believe u have written it.very nice.

Art and You said...

I didnot know u r a poet.Any way nice poem lots of feeling involved keep writing

Unknown said...

Time has changed..
Ur view has changed..
Write something about ur current aspect.

Unknown said...

So romantic..