Death is a great sleep. The whole turmoil of life ...all miseries, all excitements, anxieties simply disappear, are no longer relevant. You fall back into the original unity of existence. You become part of earth. Body loves the mother earth, breath loves the open air, and your wa
rmth loves the eternal sun, your water to the ocean and your inner sky meeting with the outer sky. This is death. How can one hate death?
Death is not an enemy…..but a great friend. Death has to be welcomed; death has to be waited for, with a heart full of Love. If you think it as an enemy, you will die, nothing can prevent….but you will die in an agony as you are resisting the irresistible. In resistance you have to fight, you have to give up all your joys while fighting….but you cant win… you love to die defeated. You will be unconscious in the last moment in tired and you can’t learn the last teaching of life, the death, the eternal truth. You can’t remember what had happened when you died. You will not remember that Death was a door into the divine. You will be carried through the door, but on a stretcher, unconscious. You will miss a great opportunity.
But my dear God please to make my death more beautiful......make my death in the lap of my beloved, make my last glance to see her face, make my hand to touch her for the eternity. I will never complain.... I will love to love death as much time you send me through birth....

Death is not an enemy…..but a great friend. Death has to be welcomed; death has to be waited for, with a heart full of Love. If you think it as an enemy, you will die, nothing can prevent….but you will die in an agony as you are resisting the irresistible. In resistance you have to fight, you have to give up all your joys while fighting….but you cant win… you love to die defeated. You will be unconscious in the last moment in tired and you can’t learn the last teaching of life, the death, the eternal truth. You can’t remember what had happened when you died. You will not remember that Death was a door into the divine. You will be carried through the door, but on a stretcher, unconscious. You will miss a great opportunity.
But my dear God please to make my death more beautiful......make my death in the lap of my beloved, make my last glance to see her face, make my hand to touch her for the eternity. I will never complain.... I will love to love death as much time you send me through birth....
so u r prepering for the eternal truth from now!
great.....valued feelings!
it is the truth,the only truth!
Wonderful work Sakti… Keep it up
Here is something I tried to write matching the subject
Hope you like
And Congrats!!!
you have all the qualities to be a great human being and poet.
Oh my love, if you wish to die on my laps,
You will be granted
I will wear the pain as a reward of love.
Love always not end with die.
I will live to prove that.
I will bear the pain until death.
The pain of not being with you,
The pain of lonely life like an empty afternoon.
The pain symbol of our love I bear until the death
@ Debasmita: Thanks a lot for posting the comment.
@ Deepa: Its very nice to have a comment in a poetic way. I cant resist but try to reply in a poem. Its stupid near your reply....but this is my reply.
Oh my sweet heart...
Love is great and you will be with your sacrifice....
But what is my fault....
All will praise you for your can I stay with a heavy heart .....
You will have a lonely can I bear the load "the pity" from dawn to dusk...
I love you...
How can I give you up...
How can I leave you alone....
Oh God! Please don't make me selfish...
Oh God! give me death....but don't give living death to my sweet heart...
Oh God! Teach me death, but don't teach my sweet heart what is pain....
Oh God! Please make my last two wish fulfilled, before I die.....
I will have no complain.... I will love to love death as much time you send me through birth....
I have read a few pages and wish to visit your blog again.
touched my soul...
ur post----her reply--& a reply n return...simply awesome...
each & evry 1 shu'd embrace death as a 2nd lover...its a gift 4m almighty..
we all must b prepared 4 it...
A line 4m "Gladiator"----
"unlike Maximas the invincible
who knows no fear
I knew a man who once said
death smiles at us all
all a man can do is smile back..."
thanks Dibyajoti
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