Thursday, September 6, 2012

I promise I won’t let you down

It was the first day, when I was formed as an embryo in my Mom’s womb. “Life emerges out of nothing”, an amazing lesson I was taught inside the womb…I smiled and happily forgot the lesson of my first ‘Guru’, the almighty God. It took me to go through the hell and see the death in my lap to get your 1st lesson about life.  

Dear God, thank you for being my first teacher. You have given me more than I ever deserve. I am sorry for the late.  I promise I won’t let you down.

I was all cruel from the time I was in the womb, and was sucking blood from my Mom… 13 weeks passed and I spread my legs in laziness, and my Mom was all smiles getting the first ‘quickening’ (baby kick) in her womb… I stayed there comfortably for 40 odd weeks in sleeping, sucking blood and sleeping…and one day she went through the hell of lifetime in bringing me out… I don’t know how she was smiling after that… It was time to thank my Mom for teaching me the lesson “It’s worth bearing the pain for whom you Love”… Huh! I once again forgot the lesson and instead cried my heart out for bringing me out from my cozy sleep.

Dear Mom, thank you for being my first teacher I have ever seen. You have taught me what Love is all about. I am sorry to take years to get your early lessons. I promise I won’t let you down.

Grandma and Grandpa, you both were always there to tell me the stories of price, princess and demons whenever I wish to fly on my dreams. You were always there to be my horse whenever I wanted to have a joy ride. You are the ones who told me I have distant uncles named ‘Moon’ and ‘Tiger’…and you are the ones who taught me the lesson, “Youthfulness is not in age, but in mind and heart” while racing for the butterfly by my side.  It was time to thank and take care of you two, when I moved to hostel for knowing the idiotic physics and chemistry better.  I forgot your lesson of keeping my heart young. I feel tired in 15 minutes bus journey; feel irritated when a kid asks me 10 questions in a row.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa, my old sweetheart teachers, thank you for teaching me the lessons on ageless enthusiasm and youthfulness. I am sorry to get your lessons bit late. I promise I won’t let you down.

You jumped with joy when I started uttering the word ‘Papa’. You made feel there is no word such as “No” for whatever I wished. You taught me the 1st step I ever took in my life. You were there always when I fumbled to say what 1+1 is equal to. You stood like a wall when I wanted to lean on. You cancelled your office trip to cheer me up in my school sports day. You taught me to prioritize in life. But Papa, I forgot all your lessons and ran behind money and fame.

Dear Papa, thank you for teaching me the lessons on priorities of life and I am sorry to get your lessons bit late. I promise I won’t let you down.

You always shared your chocolate, walked before me to make sure the road is clear. You jumped with joy seeing me stood first in the class. You always feel proud to be called as my elder brother than anything else. You put a ‘full stop’ to your studies to see me get the best of the facilities in my endeavor. It’s you who taught me by action, “Life is all about giving and forgiving, living for others, sacrificing and in return seeking for none.” I forgot all your lessons and started competing with you to increase my bank balance.

Dear brother, thanks for teaching me what sacrifice means in life. I am sorry to get the lessons a bit late. I promise I won’t let you down.

You entered the classroom flaunting the shiny French beard and few grey hairs. ‘Learning is fun filled’, you taught us with periodic clapping and compulsory singing in the class. When my learning horizon started and stopped at the classrooms, you taught me to look beyond; when I was about to be a bookworm, you gave your splendid touch to transform me to fly like a butterfly. You showed us how to be strictly disciplined, you laughed at being called as ‘arrogant’, ‘autocrat’ or ‘Hitler’. You are the one who taught me the lesson of life time, “Life is a classroom and we all are work in progress.” Huh… I once again forgot the lesson and instead started blaming others for my failures, not trying for at least once to understand what it means to be always ‘work in progress’.

Dear Sir, thanks for teaching me ‘change is the essence of life and constant is death’. I am sorry as I took a lot of time in understanding the truth. I promise I won’t let you down.

Happy Teachers’ Day to all those who taught me to go ahead in life, and bearing all the pain in making me what I am.