Saturday, January 15, 2011

You can do anything

B: I have to ask you something.
G: Yes?
B: Why are you wearing a Bindi?
G: It’s my third eye, the eye with which you see the most important things. Sometimes two eyes are not enough and they need help. For a girl, her beloved or husband is the most important thing, that’s why, a dark red bindi generally symbolises a married woman.
B: But you are not married?
G: You have already been my third eye.
B: How?
G: I am from a small village and my whole life is mapped out of my mother. Whatever I have done, I did after fight, from going to school, 10km far away college and a job at the call centre in the night. Every time I ask my parents to do something, I got a reply, ‘what people will say?’ But what you said…it was the first time I have heard something like that.
B: What did I say?
G: “You can do anything”. I always wanted to believe that, but until you, I did not think it was true.
B: I hope your beloved sees it… (after a pause)…I am going to miss you.
G: (while making shapes with her right toe on the sand) You will meet someone.
B: If I do meet someone, she won’t smell like cardamom.
G: Rub some on her and pretend she is me.
B: But she wouldn’t have your eyes either. I wish I could meet someone exactly like you. Almost exactly.
G: Almost?
B: Someone as beautiful as you, as smart as you, as funny…
G: But?
B: But….She must not be fearful in facing her parents and telling that she loves me.
G: You know…”I can do anything”

Inspired by the dialogues of the movie “Outsourced”